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User Fiction • Re: The Noise Of Thunder

06) Woe, Ruin, Destruction, And Decay

31 OCTOBER, Y169

“Only Rom--” the centurion started to sneer, before a two-centimeter cyan bolt wiped that sneer, the face on which it rested, and the head bearing such a face from existence.

Ziyal Tora, with a nod to her White Mice, then decapitated the other Romulan watchstanders in the starbase's operations center, before accessing the base's computer network via BCI, using a variety of software made by the Obsidian Order, House Circentus-ta, and the Klingon Galactic Buerau's Alfa Group for brute-force hacking to force the starbase computer network to completely deactivate the concentric rings of Tholian web which was the system's first line of defense.

The room filled with smoke, and the stench of burnt flesh, as the last cyan bolt caught an unfortunate Romulan decurion about to flee the operations center.

“Lock down this room,” Ziyal ordered the Frieslander in charge of her personal security detail, before accessing the starbase's comm system, and sending out a single klingonaase word, in the clear:


31 OCTOBER, 2569

“Fighters and drones powering up, launching attacks,” Ava reported.

“All guns, FIRE!” Kim shouted over comms.”Engineering, Combat, fire it up, overcycle Rittermar generator, all ships, you will ram yourselves right down their goddamn throats! SEMPER VICTORIA!

CIC came to life, the quantum tunnel generator howling, as it drove an awakened and aggressively-attacking Enterprise forward st an analogous velocity of 439.5 terakips, the master holoproj awash in white fire and afterimages of Romulan birds who dropped their cloaks, only to die under a storm of relativistic penetrators, plasma bolts, and MAHEM beams, Enterprise and the other allied warships biddogging their fighters, drones, and attack ships, as they charged through the storm, passing Klingon, Alliance, and ex-National Fleet capital platforms, fighter, bombers, and attack ships passing them on reciprocal vectors, en route to the Justinia system, stopping for nothing.

“Signs of pursuit?” Kim asked.

“Negative,” Ava replied, as Sylvia called from Engineering,”Combat, Engineering. Generator safeties have kicked in, downcycling to max av.”

“Copy,” Kim replied, as she heard and felt the Rittermark generator's change in pitch, while Andi stabbed out with the main battery, slamming into a squadron of older Romulan warships relegated to system patrol duties, as the Mobile Strike Fleet and its allies crossed the Justinia system's heliosphere, inopposed by any strands of monofilament wire promising to carve them up like turkeys.


”Kill the frakkers! Kara ordered, though her battlestar's gunners were already doing that, Flame of Purity, no longer the limping, wounded warrior, leaping forward, max av, toward the two inbound solar fleets, the rest of group's battlestars, and every other allied capital platform in system, following closely behind their massed fighters, bombers, and attack ships, guns blazing, as thry blasted gaping holes through Nagala's formation.

CIC shuddered, went dark, burst into flame, a strong indication the allies weren't having it all their own way, as many friendly ships as hostiles blinking furiously and disappearing on DRADIS, including Apollo, Ares, and Habbahuh from her own battlestar group.

Still, Flame of Purity charged forward, pressing the attack, guns blazing, stabbing out in all directions, Vipers and Starhawks landing and launching themselves back into space, once deck crews hastily turned them around, Falchion escorts and Minotaur gunstars forming a flying wedge in front of BSG42's flagship, as it plunged deeper into the storm, Hoshi standing her on her jets, heeling the Flame hard about, when she was about to exit the battlespace.

“DRADIS contacts!” the DRSDIS operator shouted, Kara seeing the thousands of icons for herself on the repeater slate,”five-triple-oh, 330 karom won-five, two-zera megakloms downrange, CBDR, closing us, max av!”

“IFF tags coming through now!” Helo reported.

“We're being commed!” Hoshi announced.”General broadcast, from the nre onbounds!”

A gruff male voice came over the speakers, as damage control teams extinguished the fires in CIC, and medicae orderlies tended to the wounded:

“I am Thought Admiral Prince Karthok epetai-Trawnrudo; by mt Imperial Master's orders, the blades of myself and my warriors are at your service.”

“This is Navarch Kara Thrace, of the battlestar Flame of Purity. In the name of the Twelve Tribes, I accept your offer of alliance, Prince Karthok,” Kara replied, as, on DRADIS, the Kling warships cut across the bows of Nagala's surviving battlestars, and poured volleys of self-propelled ordinance into their flanks, adding their guns to the mix, the instant the distance between them allowed it.

”Tian Lung's falling back!” Helo reported, as still more Klingon ships, slower than the others, bypassed the scene of combat altogether, and vectored directly toward Necromiunda.

“Close with the Tian Lung!” Kara ordered.”Comms, put me on with Warmaster Nagala; Weapons, stand by.”

Statistics: Posted by WillDexter — 2024-07-16 11:21am

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