Obviously, this stuck-up, pointy-eared bitch was a bull-dyke who hated her own feminity.
Neither the blue tunic, nor the black slacks did her any favors, whilw her red hair was done up in a single ponytail.
Leland Adama captured this so-called counselor's image via commun, and began editing it to something more suitable, right in front of her.
“Is there a reason,” the counselor asked, as she sat in the chair across from his rack in the station's brig,”you've refused all meals brought to you?”
“Oh. come on!” said Adama, noy believing the pointy-eared slut could be that stupid.
“You know as well as I do, he added, sneering, as he used image manipulation software to let the “counselor's” hair down, remove her clothing, enhance her breasts, because they were never big enough, then put her on her knees,”that all the slop they feed me is laced with soy, vax, and GMOs, all designed to re-write my DNA, and turn me into ine of you!”
“I know nothing of the sort,” the Xenos bitch coldly replied, while Adama put a metal obedience collar round her image's neck.
“I was asked by the tribunal,” she added, her image now sporting bleeding welts on tits, ass and shame, sas well as tears running down its face,”to evaluate your mental state, given both your refusal to eat, and your recent behavior before the tribunal.”
Adama added wrist and ankle cuffs to the demon-eared abhuman's image, before adding an image of the black bitch, Galactica's fake comissar, that image wearing a more suitable black leather bodysuit and black knee boots over fishneet stockings, with a long, barbed wire whip in her gloved hands.
“My reasons are a matter of public record,” he insisted,”and I refuse to eat genetically-modified, nanovirus-tainted, soy-lace garbage; you want me to eat, feed me real food that's been organically grown and harvested on a family farm by real men.”
He added animation and voice, so that the Foster made in his image brutally whipped her kneeling demonette subslut, who sobbed, screamed, moaned, and begged “Mistress'” forgiveness.
“You're dismissed,” he added,adding a few finishing touches, before using his Kara6969 account to upload the completed vid to the Net.”You Xenos mind tricks are no match for the strong will and superior intellect of a real, sovereign Human man, so your puppetmasters will simply have to find some other way to make me behave.”
“I said,” he repeated, in the irm, commanding tone je knew all her abhuman kind liked in a man,”you may go.”
”Fascinating,” the red-headed demon breathily observed, before rising to her feet, and walking out of his cell.
16 SEPTEMBER, 2056
HMS Heart Of Oak shot past a drifting Russie first-rate, her eight quad-mount 18” t-guns hammering a Leviathan and a pair of 850,000-ton Hermes-class battlestars out of existence, fragments from intercpted ordinance sleeting througha galf dozen more Flight III[o]Hermes-class, as well as nine 760-kiloton Flight II [o]Hermes[/i]-class and five 400,000-ton Flight I Hermes, all of them now as dead in space, as the Russie first-rate that had attempted an upcycle before it had reached Necrominda's escape velocity of 15.1 kips.
Lieutenant Commander Petra Moss hunted for more tsrgets for her guns, while Sub-Lieutenan Kylien Jones' AuxCon team held off fighters, bombers, gun sloops, and inbound ordinance with the 225,000-ton Vanguard-class dreadnaught cruiser's 2,250 interceptor batteries, Commander Electra Gant violentlu wrenching the ship in every direction at once in an attempt to evade.
At the center of it all, Vice Admiral Pgyllicia Wallace sucked down cold saline solution, and hung on for the ride, as her CIC team fought her ship.
Russie gun sloops, each armed with a single 18” r-gun in a spinal mount, swarmed Oak, Petra vectoring some of the ship's 192, fifty-ton Shield Maiden combat drones, free the Augur.E3 battlespace control platform to vector Oak's 144, 150-ton Lightning heavy fighter in against more enemy capitals attempting to boost and upcycle.
“Six reports heavy fighting all through Acropolis, Skipper,” Petty Officer Jeanette Marchon reported from comms, at the same time Lieutenant Commander Margaret Baker reported from Engineering,”Combat, Engineering, radiators re-installed, internal temp stead at 87 degrees. Priimary electrics 62% restored, all other damage being made good.”
“Copy,” Phyll said in replu to both of them, Executive Warrant Officer Janis Fielding reporting from the radar station.,”quantum tunnels, won-niner-five-zera, firect vec Palestinia, now entering battlespace.”
“Terran Dominion warships, one fleet,” Lieutenant Commander Swathi Singnamala reported from intel.”Two battlestar groups, two-six-zera additional quantum tunnel signatures, direct vec Palestinia, entering battlespace, max av.”
“Fourth Fleet and BSG 12 will alter vec to intercept new inbounds,” Phyll ordered.”Comms, send to Admiral Mantell, aboard Upper Michigan, our radar telemetry.”
“Comm sent,” Jeanette replied, the Royal Celestial Navy's 4th Fleet leaving off the wallowing enemy hulls struggling to reach escape velocity, 1,439 other vessels following their flagship--Heart Of Oak--as it closed with the newly arrived enemy force, thd 130 machines of Battlestar Group 12—formerly the 12th Battle Group of the National Fleet, til their merger with loyal Alliance forces last month—following suit, the combined forces fighters, bombers, and combsat drones being quicckly turned round on those ships' flight decks, then launched into space, surging ahead of the allied capital warships and into a formation of fighters, bombers, and gun sloops screening the newly-arrived enemy capships.
[/i]”...I must caution you,” Comissar Foster informed Fisk,”that you are being charged with treason and the comission of high crimes in contravention of rhe Articles Of War, to witL The bombing of Athens and the suvequent murder of ten and one-half billion noncombatants, then ordering your atmsmen to the surface to buthcer three billion additional noncombatants and enslaving untold billions more, as well as actively interfering with evacuation efforts by Battlestar Groups 42 and 75, resilting in your ship firing on your brothers and sisters in the Fleet.
The Articles specify death for any of the above offenses; pleading guilty will not mitigate that sentence.
Bearing this tribunal's caution in mind, Captain Fisk, how plead you...”]/i]
“...in starboard flight pod, decks one and two,” Captain Jack Fisk reported, as he stod alongside Navarch Fenris Jurgen amidst the burning, exploding, screamin chaos of the Battlestar Hecate's CIC, as the four and one half-megaton Leviathan-class battlestar followed the rest of BSG12 and the RCN 4th Fleet into the heart of the storm.
The goiliath battlestar's ninety quad-mounted 18” macrocannon tore through Terran Dominion warships on either side of her, while th four 36” prow guns lobbed a stable octet of eight-toon projectiles into the center of Battlestar Group 80 at 99.9999% actual lightspeed, utterly destroying a trio of Leviathans, and ten Flight IIIHermes-class screening the, a fourth Leviathan and thirteen lesser battlestars falling out of formation, riddled with holes, engines smashed, adrift and...
”...is this your genuine and honest plea?” Comissar Tolen of the Battlestar Flame of Purity asked Fisk,”made of your own accord, and not soliviyed by means of coercion, financial inducement, or promises, express or implied, of clemency?”
“I know what I did, sir,” said Fisk, as he stood in the defendant's dock,”and take full reposibility for my actions, even if it means execution...”
...those poor frakkers on Athens hadn't been given a choice; Zarek hadn't liked the decision of the High Arbitrators, and sentenced an entire libing world to death.
And, Fisk had pulled the trigger.
He'd simply been following orders, Zarek's and young Navarch Adama's, but he'd sworn an Oath before all the Gods to uphold the Articles of Alliance, and defend the people of the Twelve Tribes against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that oath came first, superseding even the orders of superiors.
That it hadn't made him a traitor, a mass murderer, and a war criminal.
And, Fisk...
”...the Articles of War specify death for your crimes, Captain,” Comissar Foster reminded him.”Do you understand that?”
“Yes, sir,” Fisk said.
“But,” Foster thwn said,”the Articles do not specify immediate death...”
...Hecate shigted violently, as her helmsman wrenched the ship hard along several vectors at once, to avoid relativistic shrapnel and intact projectiles the flak batteries had not been able to stop.
Prow and main battery guns spoke again, Fisk's eyes on the DRADIS repeater slate, now showing the icon for his ship closing with the icon for the Leviathan battlestar Goliath...
”...the sentence of this tribunal,” Foster announced,”that you will answer for crimes on the battlefield; you are assigned to thr batllestar Hecate as its executive offiver, under Navarch Jurgen; it is the hope of this tribunal, that, there, you will find an opportunity to redeem yourself through an honorable death in combat.”
“Thank you,” was all Fisk could think to say in reply...
...ny no means a reprieve.
He was under sentence of death, and that was how he'd live his life, until death found him on the battlefield.
The icon for Goliath blinked furiously, before going dark on the Detection Ranging And DIStance repeater, as Hecate moved away at 293 terakloms per second, the helmsman standing the massive battlestar on her jets, heeling her hard over, as she re-entered the battlespace.
Obviously, this stuck-up, pointy-eared bitch was a bull-dyke who hated her own feminity.
Neither the blue tunic, nor the black slacks did her any favors, whilw her red hair was done up in a single ponytail.
Leland Adama captured this so-called counselor's image via commun, and began editing it to something more suitable, right in front of her.
“Is there a reason,” the counselor asked, as she sat in the chair across from his rack in the station's brig,”you've refused all meals brought to you?”
“Oh. come on!” said Adama, noy believing the pointy-eared slut could be that stupid.
“You know as well as I do, he added, sneering, as he used image manipulation software to let the “counselor's” hair down, remove her clothing, enhance her breasts, because they were never big enough, then put her on her knees,”that all the slop they feed me is laced with soy, vax, and GMOs, all designed to re-write my DNA, and turn me into ine of you!”
“I know nothing of the sort,” the Xenos bitch coldly replied, while Adama put a metal obedience collar round her image's neck.
“I was asked by the tribunal,” she added, her image now sporting bleeding welts on tits, ass and shame, sas well as tears running down its face,”to evaluate your mental state, given both your refusal to eat, and your recent behavior before the tribunal.”
Adama added wrist and ankle cuffs to the demon-eared abhuman's image, before adding an image of the black bitch, Galactica's fake comissar, that image wearing a more suitable black leather bodysuit and black knee boots over fishneet stockings, with a long, barbed wire whip in her gloved hands.
“My reasons are a matter of public record,” he insisted,”and I refuse to eat genetically-modified, nanovirus-tainted, soy-lace garbage; you want me to eat, feed me real food that's been organically grown and harvested on a family farm by real men.”
He added animation and voice, so that the Foster made in his image brutally whipped her kneeling demonette subslut, who sobbed, screamed, moaned, and begged “Mistress'” forgiveness.
“You're dismissed,” he added,adding a few finishing touches, before using his Kara6969 account to upload the completed vid to the Net.”You Xenos mind tricks are no match for the strong will and superior intellect of a real, sovereign Human man, so your puppetmasters will simply have to find some other way to make me behave.”
“I said,” he repeated, in the irm, commanding tone je knew all her abhuman kind liked in a man,”you may go.”
”Fascinating,” the red-headed demon breathily observed, before rising to her feet, and walking out of his cell.
16 SEPTEMBER, 2056
HMS Heart Of Oak shot past a drifting Russie first-rate, her eight quad-mount 18” t-guns hammering a Leviathan and a pair of 850,000-ton Hermes-class battlestars out of existence, fragments from intercpted ordinance sleeting througha galf dozen more Flight III[o]Hermes-class, as well as nine 760-kiloton Flight II [o]Hermes[/i]-class and five 400,000-ton Flight I Hermes, all of them now as dead in space, as the Russie first-rate that had attempted an upcycle before it had reached Necrominda's escape velocity of 15.1 kips.
Lieutenant Commander Petra Moss hunted for more tsrgets for her guns, while Sub-Lieutenan Kylien Jones' AuxCon team held off fighters, bombers, gun sloops, and inbound ordinance with the 225,000-ton Vanguard-class dreadnaught cruiser's 2,250 interceptor batteries, Commander Electra Gant violentlu wrenching the ship in every direction at once in an attempt to evade.
At the center of it all, Vice Admiral Pgyllicia Wallace sucked down cold saline solution, and hung on for the ride, as her CIC team fought her ship.
Russie gun sloops, each armed with a single 18” r-gun in a spinal mount, swarmed Oak, Petra vectoring some of the ship's 192, fifty-ton Shield Maiden combat drones, free the Augur.E3 battlespace control platform to vector Oak's 144, 150-ton Lightning heavy fighter in against more enemy capitals attempting to boost and upcycle.
“Six reports heavy fighting all through Acropolis, Skipper,” Petty Officer Jeanette Marchon reported from comms, at the same time Lieutenant Commander Margaret Baker reported from Engineering,”Combat, Engineering, radiators re-installed, internal temp stead at 87 degrees. Priimary electrics 62% restored, all other damage being made good.”
“Copy,” Phyll said in replu to both of them, Executive Warrant Officer Janis Fielding reporting from the radar station.,”quantum tunnels, won-niner-five-zera, firect vec Palestinia, now entering battlespace.”
“Terran Dominion warships, one fleet,” Lieutenant Commander Swathi Singnamala reported from intel.”Two battlestar groups, two-six-zera additional quantum tunnel signatures, direct vec Palestinia, entering battlespace, max av.”
“Fourth Fleet and BSG 12 will alter vec to intercept new inbounds,” Phyll ordered.”Comms, send to Admiral Mantell, aboard Upper Michigan, our radar telemetry.”
“Comm sent,” Jeanette replied, the Royal Celestial Navy's 4th Fleet leaving off the wallowing enemy hulls struggling to reach escape velocity, 1,439 other vessels following their flagship--Heart Of Oak--as it closed with the newly arrived enemy force, thd 130 machines of Battlestar Group 12—formerly the 12th Battle Group of the National Fleet, til their merger with loyal Alliance forces last month—following suit, the combined forces fighters, bombers, and combsat drones being quicckly turned round on those ships' flight decks, then launched into space, surging ahead of the allied capital warships and into a formation of fighters, bombers, and gun sloops screening the newly-arrived enemy capships.
[/i]”...I must caution you,” Comissar Foster informed Fisk,”that you are being charged with treason and the comission of high crimes in contravention of rhe Articles Of War, to witL The bombing of Athens and the suvequent murder of ten and one-half billion noncombatants, then ordering your atmsmen to the surface to buthcer three billion additional noncombatants and enslaving untold billions more, as well as actively interfering with evacuation efforts by Battlestar Groups 42 and 75, resilting in your ship firing on your brothers and sisters in the Fleet.
The Articles specify death for any of the above offenses; pleading guilty will not mitigate that sentence.
Bearing this tribunal's caution in mind, Captain Fisk, how plead you...”]/i]
“...in starboard flight pod, decks one and two,” Captain Jack Fisk reported, as he stod alongside Navarch Fenris Jurgen amidst the burning, exploding, screamin chaos of the Battlestar Hecate's CIC, as the four and one half-megaton Leviathan-class battlestar followed the rest of BSG12 and the RCN 4th Fleet into the heart of the storm.
The goiliath battlestar's ninety quad-mounted 18” macrocannon tore through Terran Dominion warships on either side of her, while th four 36” prow guns lobbed a stable octet of eight-toon projectiles into the center of Battlestar Group 80 at 99.9999% actual lightspeed, utterly destroying a trio of Leviathans, and ten Flight IIIHermes-class screening the, a fourth Leviathan and thirteen lesser battlestars falling out of formation, riddled with holes, engines smashed, adrift and...
”...is this your genuine and honest plea?” Comissar Tolen of the Battlestar Flame of Purity asked Fisk,”made of your own accord, and not soliviyed by means of coercion, financial inducement, or promises, express or implied, of clemency?”
“I know what I did, sir,” said Fisk, as he stood in the defendant's dock,”and take full reposibility for my actions, even if it means execution...”
...those poor frakkers on Athens hadn't been given a choice; Zarek hadn't liked the decision of the High Arbitrators, and sentenced an entire libing world to death.
And, Fisk had pulled the trigger.
He'd simply been following orders, Zarek's and young Navarch Adama's, but he'd sworn an Oath before all the Gods to uphold the Articles of Alliance, and defend the people of the Twelve Tribes against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that oath came first, superseding even the orders of superiors.
That it hadn't made him a traitor, a mass murderer, and a war criminal.
And, Fisk...
”...the Articles of War specify death for your crimes, Captain,” Comissar Foster reminded him.”Do you understand that?”
“Yes, sir,” Fisk said.
“But,” Foster thwn said,”the Articles do not specify immediate death...”
...Hecate shigted violently, as her helmsman wrenched the ship hard along several vectors at once, to avoid relativistic shrapnel and intact projectiles the flak batteries had not been able to stop.
Prow and main battery guns spoke again, Fisk's eyes on the DRADIS repeater slate, now showing the icon for his ship closing with the icon for the Leviathan battlestar Goliath...
”...the sentence of this tribunal,” Foster announced,”that you will answer for crimes on the battlefield; you are assigned to thr batllestar Hecate as its executive offiver, under Navarch Jurgen; it is the hope of this tribunal, that, there, you will find an opportunity to redeem yourself through an honorable death in combat.”
“Thank you,” was all Fisk could think to say in reply...
...ny no means a reprieve.
He was under sentence of death, and that was how he'd live his life, until death found him on the battlefield.
The icon for Goliath blinked furiously, before going dark on the Detection Ranging And DIStance repeater, as Hecate moved away at 293 terakloms per second, the helmsman standing the massive battlestar on her jets, heeling her hard over, as she re-entered the battlespace.
Statistics: Posted by WillDexter — 2024-06-28 05:11pm