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User Fiction • Re: Those Who Lift Each Other

01) Confused Alarms Of Struggle And Flight


“Face reality,” Navarch Leland Adama's voice said over the wireless, as the Alliance battlestar Galactica's CIC continued shuddered, going dark,”accept the President's generous offer, and you'll be spared the humiliation of trial by jury.”

“Laura Roslin is the President pf the Twelve Tribes,” Navarch William Afama replied in his gravelly voice,”and I have no son.”

He then slammed the wireless headset back into its cradle, ordering the helmsman, Lieutenant Felix Gaeta, to “come about; alter vector to intercept, max av. Dee, order all ships, BSG 75, to conform to my tactical direction, then order BSG 42 to maintain present vector, continue escorting the civilians and the President-elect, to Ragnar Anchorage.”

“Messages sent,” Petty Officer Anastasia Dualla replied.

“Bill,” his exec and Battlestar Group 75 Chief Of Staff, Captain Solomon Tigh said,”our chances--”

“I know,” Adama said, as BSG 75's 130 hulls turned on theit jets, and bore straight for the 165 warships of both these Other Humans and the traitors who'd stolen their Alliance from Adama ans his Loyalists, the five largest of which each outmassed Galactica by an order of magnitude, outhunning her by that much as well.

They were all going to die, here, now, in this neutron star system just beyond the Red Line; nothing could change that.

Adama's only hope was to fight long enough, hard enough, do enough dsmage on the way out to buy BSG 42, the several hundred civilian ships it was escorting, and the legutimately-elected President of the Twelve Reibes of Palestina enough time to mske it to Ragnar Anchorage and the rest of the Loyalist fleet.

So it was that ten 370,000-ton Emperor-class battlestars and 120 225,000-ton Overlord-class battlestars cycled in and out of a one-thouand klom Warp tunnel at a rate of 293 billion times a second(an analogud velocity of 293 terakips) on vector toward the traitors and their allies in this Royal United States no Human had even heard of, until three weeks ago.

“Always figured I'd die in my bed--” Saul remarked.

”--with a pretty young thing's mouth on my cock;” Adama said with his old friend.

“Yeah,” Adama said, clasping Saul on the shoulder.

“Me too.”


Rear Admiral Alexander Slidell Mackenzie ap Calhoun smiled, as he sat in the center of Royal United States Starship Donlad the Great's Combat Information Center, watching 130 of the battlestars come to his Columbia-class starship of the line, ready, willing, abd, if Mackenzie ap Calhoun was any judhe of charaxter, eager to end the three-week chase across this trinary star system at the edge of the WYN Star Cluster of this Third History.

The old fossil had certainly given it a good fight, running from Atlantis to here, trfucing Mackenzie ap Calhoun's force from 260 strong to its presnt strength of 165 battlestars, first-rates, second-rates, third-rates, and even a few fourth-rates.

Yes, the doddering old fool had certainly given him a good fight, but now, it come to a fiery end for all those who followed him to destruction.

And, for all those others, civilians, and their so-calleed President(he remember the Scripture about not permitting a woman to teach).

“Signals,” he said to Master Signalman Clyde Reese,”you will kindly ask Navarcg Adama the Younger to vector his fighters and bombers toward the remaining battle star group and their charges, while we dispose of his father,

That way, we cut out the heart of their defiance within sight of their forces.”

“Signal sent, Admital,” Reese replied, as the two forces rapidly closed to gun range.

“Picking up comm chatter,” Chief Radioman Rhonda Klein reported from North American Starship Enterprise's comm station, as the 225,000-ton Constellation-class armored cruiser led the rest of Fleet Svouting Group 55 into a red giant system just inside the van Allen radiation belts which pervaded the WYN Star Cluster and had hindred interstellar travel into and through the area for over a hundred years in this time and place.

“Drones and Sentinel picking up five-niner-niner capital-scale quantum tunnel signatures,” Lieutenant Commander Yasmin Spock reported from intel.”Exactly 83, eight-tree of those signatures conform to known Russie designs.”

The Russies, the Royal United States, with whom the New Confederate Order and the Celestial Jingdom of Deseret had unintentionally established contact sixteen months prior, this and the still-classified, compartmentalized contact with warships of the now-Terran Dominion of this time and place turning the war between the Allied Powers of Rear Admiral Kimball Kinnison Aldrin's time and place into a multi-universal one.

Explaining the 120 ships of the North American Interstellar Fleet scouting group of armored and light cruisers in this reality.

“XO, sound General Quarters,” Kim told her second in command, Commander Draco Kirk,”alter vec to intercept Russies; Radio, CTT to Vice Admiral Miyazaki aboard Rio Grande.”

CIC turned blood-red, as the GQ klaxon donged, and Draco's vice boomed over the 1-MC:

”General Quarters, General Quarters, all hands, man your battle stations! Assume material condition Zulu throughout the platform! Up and forward to the starboard, down and aft is port!”

“Fighters launching,” Lieutenant Andrea McKinstra reported fom the weapons station,”joining Pivadors and Sentinel on station.Gun system charrged and loaded, primary ficon online, all directors tracking.”

“Combat,” Lieutenant Commander Sylvia Tilly was tthe next to report, her holo floating six inches in frony of Kim's right eye via the Brain-Computer Interface(BCI) chip at the base of Kim's skull,”Engineering. Engineering seal up, at General Quarters. Reactor on line, full power available. Bergrn quantum tunnel generator online, at max av. Torch onlime, war emergency burn available.”

“Combat, AuxCon,” Midshipman Tanya Cronenberg reported.”Auxillary Control Center locked down, at General Quarters. Inyrtcrptors on line, multiplex ficon on line, all directors tracking.”

“Combat, Med,,” Commander Julia Vining reported nect.”MEd Section on local power, at General Quarters.”

“CTT aye, Skipper,” Rhonda reported.”Scout group conforming to uour tactical direction.”

“Radar has acqired targets,” Master Chief Radarman Ava Earhart reported.”Passing targeting telemtery onyo Sentinel and Weps.”

“Now niner-foah teraklicks downrange of hostiles, on max av intercept,” Draco reported, Yasmin following with,”Russies travelling in company with eight-two hulls, unknown types, four of which mass four point five megatons.

Opfor closing won-tree-zera hulls, similar in configuration and electroomagnetic sensor info to unknown enemy machines, though the largest of those only mass 380 kilotons.”

“Fighter and drones now engaging,” Ava reported.”Closing to gun range.”

“Guns ready,” Andi reported,”soluton ready, and firing!

Statistics: Posted by WillDexter — 2024-06-08 07:33pm

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