Oh, hey! You turned out to be right on this front. They're explict referring to him as First Officer and Commander rather than Number One, which is an improvement over previous writing to my thinking.A captain who had recently faced a disciplinary hearing and chosen to take early retirement instead of facing whatever punishment they decided on. Until Michael wanted him to be her first officer. I'm guessing he got demoted.
Once again, they don't really get how chains of command with another Captain of much greater seniority than Michael becoming her first officer.
It's not emphasised much but there are some new names and face among the bridge bunnies. I noticed on, maybe the relief pilot was Bajoran, implying the crew has plenty of 32nd century born members now.
hmm. Trill symbiote life span very rarely stretches to 800 years. That means Dax who was already several hosts deep is extremely likely dead. Also that Tal has no memories of the time frame.
...Trill has some nasty wildlife. Though the plot is pretty standard test of character thing but serviceable enough and takes advantage of Ds9 continuity.
Rayner gets a meet the crew plot, and Saru has an argument with T'Rina. Tbf I found them cuter courting than now as a couple but we are getting more info on the set up on Ni'Var which
Statistics: Posted by Crazedwraith — 2024-04-11 05:09pm