Smith dropping truth bombs.Stephen A. Smith: Not "Wise" For Hillary Clinton To Tell Undecided Voters To "Get Over It," How'd That Work In 2016?
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date April 3, 2024
ESPN's Stephen A. Smith commented on Hillary Clinton telling voters upset about being forced to choose between Biden and Trump to "get over yourself," Tuesday night on CNN.
"I don’t understand why this is even a hard choice," Clinton told "The Tonight Show." "People who blow that off are not paying attention."
"How did that work out for her in 2016?" Smith said. "You can bring up a whole bunch of things. But at the end of the day, the last thing you need to do is to do anything that could agitate a potential voter in this particular election."
STEPHEN A. SMITH, ESPN HOST, "FIRST TAKE": I don't think it was a very wise statement on her part. How did that work out for her in 2016? I think that's something that we have to recognize. Yes, she won the popular vote. But at the end of the day, she wasn't the President of the United States. It was him.
You can look at her not campaigning in Wisconsin in the last days, not campaigning in Pennsylvania in the last days. You can look at some of the stuff that they were saying about her that sort of distracted things from where it should have been in terms of Comey and his report from the FBI.
You can bring up a whole bunch of things. But at the end of the day, the last thing you need to do is to do anything that could agitate a potential voter in this particular election.
PHILLIP: What do you make about the actual argument that she's making? I mean, she's basically saying two old people, yes. But they're substantively different. I mean -- Comey has 91 counts against him.
SMITH: Well, listen. Nobody's brought that up more than me. You know, four indictments, 91 counts, impeached twice. I'm not voting for him. I've said that to a lot of people. I've said that to you. But at the end of the day, what I'm saying is that at some point in time, you've got to take into account what the voters are thinking about. The voters, a lot of them out there, tens of millions of them out there, by the way, don't care what he's going through right now.
They don't care about his guilt or innocence, his perceived guilt or innocence. They don't care about the 91 counts. They're thinking about their lives. And a lot of times we see politicians taking the positions that they're taking. And while we can respect their candor and their honesty, they do seem a bit detached at times from what the voters are actually feeling and what the voters are actually thinking.
Nobody wants to hear that from Hillary Rodham Clinton at this particular moment in time, because especially if you're Joe Biden, what are you really, really worried about right now? You're worried about folks coming to the polls. You're worried about them showing up to the polls to vote for you. You're not worried even about them voting for Trump. You're worried about them not showing up to vote for you. That doesn't exactly encourage them to get up out of their seats and go to the polls.
PHILLIP: I mean, is it enough to tell voters you should be afraid of what could happen if Trump is elected? That was the other part of the point.
SMITH: Well, normally I would say yes. The problem is, it's an age-old move by both parties and the binary system that we're living with. The Republicans will tell you, you've got so much to fear. I mean, look at the streets. Look at the lack of safety. Look at some of the things that are going on. Look at the immigration crisis.
And they'll point to the left. The left will look at the right, and they will say, look at all of this stuff that's going on. Do you want to turn back the clock? Do you want to, you know, resort going back to a -- days that a lot of folks who support Trump come across as wishing as if we were back in the 60s or the 50s? They'll say things like that. And so, what happens is that ultimately, if you say something enough, you're whistling into the wind. It's nothing new that we're hearing now compared to what we've heard before in a lot of people's eyes, specifically as it pertains to Trump.
That clearly is different. Ninety-one counts, four indictments, twice impeached. That is a different animal. There is no doubt about that. But all in all, when you hear the rhetoric coming from one side or another, in the end, does it really, really sound that much different to you? The answer to the voters has been no.
Statistics: Posted by Soontir C'boath — 2024-04-04 01:45pm